Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I will go places


Seventh Day of Summer


My biggest dream is to travel the world. Every continent perhaps. I want to learn cultures, experience winter and take lots of photographs. Someday. :)

Showing some Love


Sixth Day of Summer

"I <3 U" Ring

Got this from Robinsons Manila while shopping with friends. It's so cute, I bought it instantly! haha. I've been experimenting with Photoshop, I played with colors with this one. I also used this technique with Day 5. :)

Sleep Deprived


Fifth Day of Summer

Sweet Slumber

The most special thing about summer: Sleep! Yes, I don't get much sleep during school days because of plates and assignments. During vacations, I can sleep up to 14 hours. Yay sleep! :D

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eating Healthy


Fourth Day of Summer

Quaker Oats Cereal + Low-Fat milk + Strawberries = Healthy Heart

One of my goals this summer is to eat healthy and lose weight. Hopefully, I can keep this up. Haha.

Brain Farts


Third day of Summer

A book, some crackers and a cup of coffee

I started reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson today. It's been a while since I've read my last book (Perks of Being a Wallflower) and I think summer's a good time to indulge on reading. :D

Friday, March 25, 2011

A Year-ender to Remember


Second Day of Summer

Touchdown: Archinet's Year-ender Party

This is taken from a party organized by Archinet at around 1 am so technically, this is the second day of summer vacation. This is held at Area 05 Tomas Morato.

Hello Summer!


First Day of Summer

Waking up to Summer Vacation

I woke up to this. Taken from the balcony.

It's finally here! The first day of my vacation! I can now relax and of course, start the Daily dose of Summer Part two! :D

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's the time of the year again.


Daily Dose of Summer Part II is coming up. ;) In less than three weeks, my vacation will officially start :D